
We run three services, at various times on Sundays, each with a different style, so there’s something to suit everyone. If you’re interested in church, come give it a try – we’d love to see you. We meet at Maybridge Community Church, 77 The Strand, Worthing, BN12 6DR. If you have any questions, get in touch at

Breakfast Church


Breakfast Church has a relaxed, family feel, where we all stay in the service together and chat around tables. Come along from 8:10 and grab yourself a hot drink, some cereal and toast (there may even be homemade jam), and the service starts properly at 8:30am.

Morning Service

Join us at 10:30am for refreshments. Children will be with us for the first 15 minutes of the service and then walk over to the Keystone Centre for their groups with their leaders and/or parents. Parents collect them from the Keystone Centre after the service.

The Six


The Six is a vibrant, contemporary service that many of our young people go to, although we have people of all ages. The service starts at 6pm, but come along from 5:45pm to get settled in.