WARM SPACE - Every Saturday from 11am - 2pm


Why do we believe what we believe? How do you pray? Who was Jesus? Alpha helps you to explore all your big questions about life, faith and meaning.

What is Alpha?

The Alpha course is a series for the curious. It’s an opportunity to explore the big questions of life and faith, and gives you space to share your thoughts and opinions with others. Its relaxed and low-pressured, so no question is off the table and everyone is welcome: no matter your background or beliefs. It’s free – just come as you are!

How does it work?

Usually over eleven or twelve weeks, we meet to have food together, watch a short video and then have a chat about it.
Each video looks at a different question around faith and there’s space for discussion where you can share your thoughts.

At Maybridge, we run Alpha a couple of times each year in our church building on The Strand.

Sometimes we host Alpha online via Zoom or in small groups at homes. If you’d like to try Alpha but can’t make the time or day, get in touch at info@maybridge.org.uk and we’ll let you know about other courses coming up.

Join us at our next Alpha Course