Our 11am Morning Service now begins with refreshments at 10:30am

Groups at Maybridge

We’re all different, but we all need community to thrive. That’s why for us, church is so much more than a Sunday service; it’s a whole-life, life-long family. Groups at Maybridge help us to life and faith together. Each of our groups look and feel different, but they’re all spaces to get connected, build friendships, find encouragement and grow spiritually.


Together groups are relational and social. They are a great way to get connected with others across the church family and community. Each group is different but they’re all about having fun, building friendships and being known. Our hope is these group provide a space to share the ups and downs of faith and life; becoming places where members provide support and encouragement to one another. There’s also groups to help you continue exploring faith.

Here’s a list of the current Together Groups at Maybridge – click on a group to sign up.

Partnership Groups are both challenging and rewarding, helping to draw us closer to God and to one another.


A lot of people at Maybridge are in a partnership group. Each partnership group looks a bit different, but generally a group is made up of 6-12 people who meet up regularly in the week to pray, learn and grow together. They meet on various days, at different times and at numerous locations to make it easier for everyone to find one to join.

Our hope is that they become open and loving communities that support and disciple one another to grow and live in the ways of Jesus wherever they are, whatever they’re doing, whoever they’re with.

Some of our groups are listed below. But to join a group or to find out more, please contact Piero Regnante our Discipleship Development Leader to find a group that suits you best.

Find your group

If you’d like to join a group, get in touch so we can get to know you and ensure you find the Partnership Group that suits you best.