
As members of the Evangelical Alliance, we share their basis of faith which you can read here. But if you really want to know who we are and what we’re all about, our vision and values are a great place to start.

Our Vision

To build a vibrant church community that resolutely follows Jesus and extravagantly shares the goodness of God.

Our Values

WE DO LIFE TOGETHER – For us, church is so much more than a Sunday service; it’s a whole-life, life-long family. We pursue authentic relationships, sharing good times and bad and supporting and challenging one another in love.

WE GET STUCK IN – We’re not content to sit on the sidelines. We believe in going the extra mile to make a difference in our local communities and help empower projects around the world. We take initiative in our own spiritual growth and get involved in the life of the church.

WE’RE HERE FOR YOU – We believe in doing everything with compassion; focusing our resources on the transformation of our wider community, and being as open and approachable as possible. Whatever life throws your way, Maybridge is a safe place where you can find help and support.


WE’RE ALL ABOUT JESUS – Jesus is at the heart of everything we do. We seek to draw from various Christian expressions as we deepen our relationship with Him, prayerfully follow where He leads us, and passionately communicate why He’s good news for everyone.


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